• Every person deserves fair access to healthcare. We should be able to go to the doctor when we want to, not when we have to. Seniors, children, families, employees, and veterans all need good healthcare. Texas has the highest number of uninsured in the nation, we need to do better. For years, Texans have lost out on the infusion of federal tax dollars into our economy to cover healthcare costs. This election is about electing those who will exercise the political will needed to achieve fair and affordable healthcare in Texas.

    As your State Representative, I will be committed to finding fair ways to provide quality, affordable healthcare to all Texans, while protecting preexisting conditions.

  • Sound education is a fundamental building block for families and a cornerstone of our Democracy. We rely on strong, well-funded schools to support the growth and development of our children.

    COVID-19 has interrupted student learning and has created new challenges; we will need strong advocacy to push for new ways to keep students and teachers connected, and to infuse investment back into our community public schools.

    With the trend of under-investing in our schools, students and teachers experience an inordinate amount of instability and uncertainty, we must do better for teachers, staff and students. I will be a strong advocate to invest and save our community public schools.

  • As we adjust to the COVID-19 state of affairs, some businesses have been forced to close and for far too many others, earning a living is increasingly uncertain. Under these growing constraints, it will take tireless dedication to craft solutions and renew our social and economic stability. Collaboration with community, businesses, and local government will be vital to making sure that people have the resources that they need to safely and fully overcome the effects of this pandemic.

  • Houston is home to the largest petro-chemical industry. The inevitable by-product is increased pollutants in our air, water and land. The same air, water and land that we depend on. While industry is a boon to the economy, if under-regulated, it poses an increased threat to the community’s health and well-being. I am committed to supporting environmental protection measures both locally and as a State to meaningfully address and take action towards mitigating the impending climate crisis. Corporate and Industry responsibility is necessary for the safety of people and the environment.

  • Availability, access, and transparency have always been, and should remain fundamental tenets of good government.

    As a servant of the people, I look forward to sharing information, listening to your concerns, and working together to realize solutions.

  • There is no question of Harris County’s vulnerability to flood and surge events. We have to plan and build to withstand and survive catastrophic flood levels.

    It’s been more than 4 years since Harvey hit and there is much work to be done to rebuild homes, reimburse property owners, increase detention and conveyance capacity, and strengthen infrastructure.

  • Women have made great advancement in gender equality, yet we still suffer great inequity in just about every sector of society. Women of color suffer greater inequity. Until women achieve equality, there will be exploitation in some form or fashion. Until we are adequately present, valued and heard, systems and structures will remain silently unfair.

    Even though strong legislation has been put forth to address the disparity in earnings, pay parity has not been universally recognized nor practiced.

    Women currently only make up about 23% of the Texas Legislature. Electing more women will not only amplify our voice, but will disrupt the process that has historically permitted the perpetuation of unequal treatment.

  • We are at the crossroads of ending an unconstitutional practice of detaining poor people for minor offenses. This correction is a move in the direction of a more just and fair system. We are plagued with a system of mass incarceration that has led to public outcry for accountability and reexamination.

    A healthy society will require work to achieve a criminal justice and judicial system that maintains public safety, while administering fair, unbiased, restorative and rehabilitative justice.

    Justice reform involves the cooperation and improvement of all levels of the system- from law enforcement agencies to the judicial system. Bold advocacy at the law-making level is key to getting our justice system right.

  • Gun ownership, while an American privilege and right, like every other right, comes with responsible and sensible regulations to ensure public safety.

    Too many families are grieving the untimely demise of a loved one due to dangerous and deadly gun use. One life taken, is one too many. It is incumbent on lawmakers to affirmatively address relevant loopholes to prevent senseless violence.

  • Immigration reform, while preserving values and the rule of law, is possible.

    Presently, reform is needed, including humane treatment of immigrants, locating lost children and reuniting families, and ending unjust prolonged detainment. Legal immigration has been wrongfully criminalized, becoming an unhealthy system that is punitive and unwelcoming.

    I am committed to working to improve and update immigration policies that reflect the national concerns and address modern-day needs, while upholding human rights.

  • Our current lack of policies protecting the rights of our LGBTQ+ community members is unacceptable. We must achieve fair coverage in our healthcare systems, fair housing, equal protection under the law, and rights in our criminal justice system.

    This applies doubly to trans people and LBGTQ+ of color, who experience a higher rate of discrimination.